♥ ; Wednesday, June 4, 2014
爱是打开心门的钥匙 ♥

its finally mid-week! :) and half a year gone, very soon.

been feeling tired these days. insomnia. hopefully i will have a good rest tonight!

on my way to work now. nothing much to look forward to. so much politics. i'am not close with my team & i dont talk much to them as well. dont wanna comment much though.

i'am just waiting for time to leave as this is not the place for me. but these few months got to hang on first.

alright next, personal life. i'am a boring girl. stay home on the weekends with my korean drama, wash my clothes, do my laundry. nothing much. only go dating with my mum. HAHAHA.

i'am quite lazy to go out la. its been a while since i went for brunch. kinda miss it.

2 more days to weekends & looking forward to sunday for my ex-colleague baby girl's shower at kembangan. okayyyyy, damn farrrrr. lucky its in the noon. i wanna carry her :)

update soon when i'am free ya~

♥ 9:00 AM,
For once, you were my love ♥

♥ ; Monday, June 2, 2014
爱是打开心门的钥匙 ♥

feeling emotional today, therefore, i need to pen down my feelings.

these few days i have learnt alot & been thinking alot too. what do i want in life? and, i got the answer.

if someone don't make you their priority, don't make them your priority too. well, i choose to be loved. i don't take the initiative so i hope the other party will. now, i'am waiting for the right man to appear & go dating. 25 already! my mum hope i will find a good man & take care of me. i believe feelings can be developed as long you make an effort. i want to be pampered like a princess. HAHAHA.

'don't be afraid to lose what wasn't meant to be'

'accept what is, let go of what was and have faith in what will be'

as long we think positive, things will turn out positive. i'am so looking forward to july & i'am praying hard to get in. can't wait to leave this place. time pass faster.. god, please look upon me. fighting for it! can't wait to have a good outcome! :) *fingercross*

mentally tired. turn in for bed now! nights, sweet dreams!

♥ 10:08 PM,
For once, you were my love ♥

♥ ; Thursday, May 29, 2014
爱是打开心门的钥匙 ♥

back blogging again!

these two days have training at tanjong pagar. happyyyyy cause no need to go in office :)

training = honeymoon period. one more thing, end early, go back early! i love to go home early! :)

alright, not in a good mood today. and my leg is aching since ytd. why? cause there's firedrill & the lift not operating. so, walk all the way down from 28th floor. 脚软! luckily not climbing up the stairs. but well, keep massage my leg now. anyway, the highest floor is 47th, fyi. OMG!!

share some good news. been controlling my diet & i see some results! back to basic, oats in a jar! situps & leg lifting everyday! bring it on! :)

alright, very tired. lying on bed now. gg to have a good rest. energy level = 10%, need to recharge now. 晚安, 美梦成真! :)

♥ 9:40 PM,
For once, you were my love ♥

♥ ; Monday, May 26, 2014
爱是打开心门的钥匙 ♥

on mc today. feeling sick.. headache & stomach not feeling well.

took a rest at home & back to work tmr. my honeymoon period is overrrrr. sad to say. well, just do my best. dont wanna give myself so much stress BUT i doubt so cause my manager have high hope on me :(

gonna end late at work, very soon. and i dislike gg home late. its quite tiring to travel by public transport. i need at least 1 hour to get back home by train & bus. okay, i'am independent BUT sometimes i'am also lazy la.. aww~ i try to end work on time :p

haiya, if only i have my own car or daddy, who can pick me up, how nice would it be.. but well, i'am not princess and no bf la. take things slowly cause there's no need to rush & take one step at a time :)

now just be a homely girl la.. watch my korean drama all day long. HAHAHA. bleahs. on diet, cutting down on carbo.. more fruits & veggies, and oats. even though i miss having brunch and yummy desserts, cafes i have never been to.. just hang on.

sometimes, i do envy of other girls too. its better to find one who love you more than you love him. i want to feel important & appreciated too.

tonight, gonna rest early. okay, give myself curfew to turn in at 10pm! :)

one more thing, i miss holidayyyyy la.. i wanna re-visit taiwan, hongkong & seoul but who wanna go with me? out of these three places, which one to travel first? anyone can bring me? free & easy? i dislike planning itinerary. heehee. i wanna go relax & someone can plan :p

half a year gone, left with half more year to end 2014. thats fast. can't wait to end the year! :)

p/s: i would love to travel around the world! :)

♥ 7:40 PM,
For once, you were my love ♥

♥ ; Sunday, May 25, 2014
爱是打开心门的钥匙 ♥

hellooooo~ anyone reading my blog? HAHAHA.

its sundayyyyy! monday blue is here~ new week again. hope time pass faster. july, please come faster. waiting for good news!

my training is officially overrrrr! the real thing begins.. so many things to learn.. but well, i took this opportunity to learn & i did put in effort but with no passion. its good to learn and good to know. i know its not 9-6 job anymore. gonna be a job with no life & staying back late, working on weekends. i'am not that motivated and not looking forward to start though.. cause my passion is towards another. *fingercross*

i wish.. my dream come true..

trying to spend more time with mummy on weekends now.. more and more homely girl. single = stay home. i miss having brunch, gg cafe hopping, exploring many other things.

at the same time, save money. i wish to have a chanel bag though. which costs like 4k. i'am super in love with that chanel gst bag in black. but come to think of it, worth to spend that 4k? i never had a branded bag at all. i'am not crazy for branded. but i like the design though. sadly, i heard that it increases to 5k now. need to think again. buy or dont buy? *dilemma* think for so long, then now price increased -.-

sometimes, i wish to have a someone who understands me, have patient with me. i know i'am cool & i dont take the initiative.

right now, all i can say is, wait patiently. but i'am already 25. lol. oh my god, i'am so old alreadyyyyy. 5 years more to 30. soon, i'am gonna hit 3.

"life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets. so, love the person who treat you right. and forget about the ones who dont. and believe that everything happens for a reason. if you get a chance - take it. if it changes your life - let it. nobody said that it would be easy. they just promised it would be worth it."

alright, i'am sooooo.. tired. eyes closing. off to bed. nights!

p/s: everything happens for a reason. things fall apart so that other things can fall together. if its meant to be, it will happen at the right time, with the right person, for the best reason! :)

♥ 11:59 PM,
For once, you were my love ♥

♥ ; Monday, May 19, 2014
爱是打开心门的钥匙 ♥

back to a new week, mondayyyyy again.

these days, been dragging myself to work. no motivation. from this week onwards, gonna be busy. training gonna be over soon, and the real thing begins. well, just do my best. fighting!

countdown to 62 days before the results is finalized. if everything goes well, countdown to 155 days or less. hope its a good outcome. *fingercross* stay positive. praying hard. i can only reveal when everything is confirm.

good day ahead! hope time pass faster! cant wait!!

single for 3 years, my mum keep asking me to find a good man. she worried that i dont get married. be patient with me cause i dont fall in love easily. and i dont take the initiative & i dont like to express my feelings.

p/s: sometimes, i want to be loved too.

♥ 9:20 AM,
For once, you were my love ♥

♥ ; Thursday, May 8, 2014
爱是打开心门的钥匙 ♥

tgif tmr! like finally..

next week gonna be a short week cause vesak day falls on tuesdayyyyy! :)

well, have got nothing to do now and i'am boreddddd. stoning at one corner.. and so.. i thought of blogging and have been thinking..

i want to be loved yet so hard to fall in love. sounds contradicting i know..

♥ 5:50 PM,
For once, you were my love ♥

♥ ; Thursday, May 1, 2014
爱是打开心门的钥匙 ♥

back blogging! been busy lately & lazy to update. anyway, happy labour dayyyyy! :)

its been awhile since my last trip to seoul. times flies, its been a year. i really miss my time there. the food, the weather. their bbq, bibimbap, kimchi, tofu soup etc.. everything is just so yummyyyyy. i would really love to go back again. i need to save up first.. need to earn more money. anyone interested to go?

well, i dont mind staying in seoul if i have enough money. probably i could get a 6 months' visa pass there & learn their language. if by then have bf, hope we could go for a trip tgt.

its been 3 years.. not choosy but however hard to develop feelings. i tend to reject guys so i'am single all this while. i doubt guys have that patient to date me. i was named as iced queen. and i dont express my feelings. well, i know i should give a chance and try. all my good friends are attached now. i'am envious of my best friend having a sweet bf. hope i will find one soon. be patient, and be contented.

needless to say, i love taiwan too! their food is cheap & good. i love night market! seoul & taiwan is my favourite country so far~ these two places is a MUST to go back :)

alright, update my trip to japan.. just came back recently.. went tokyo & osaka.. the trip was tiring, visited many places. but well, you only live once.. so i decided to go for this trip. it was quite costly but i think i should go at least once.

tokyo is not a place for me compared to seoul. but i would like to comment for their good service!

tokyo & osaka is quite a huge city i would say. so better do enough research if you plan to go free & easy. their train have many different lines, making it quite complicated and you might simply lost your way.

i didnt buy anything for this trip except for many tokyo banana (new caramel flavour). HAHAHA. things are quite expensive and i have nothing to buy.

embarking on a new role in the same company as i was given the opportunity. well, gg through training now, but i dont see myself far in this role. but its good to learn new things. who knows i might love it in future. however, i still love my old company.

on a side note, looking forward to saturday! show luo's concert! *dance soul returns* and i'am gg jay chou's concert this year. i would wanna go for snsd one as well (if they are coming)

i'am looking forward to july. finally, a step closer. everything is not confirm but more or less i'am in. hope everything goes smoothly.. its not easy to get it, i fought so hard for it, and my friends encourage me to take up. so, take up and think later.

i would love to travel around the world~ if i'am given a chance to. most of the girls have this little dream of being an air stewardess, i'am one of them too. firstly, you get to travel for free. secondly, you get paid. thirdly, you stay in a five star hotel. but would a guy date an air stewardess? i doubt so. its not as glamarous but its an experience to me. its not an easy job, and travelling from west to east is quite tiring too. but, do what makes you happy! no pain, no gain. dont look back with regrets.

sometimes, i want to be loved too. a companion, a soulmate.

i miss having brunch. craving for one now.

♥ 9:07 PM,
For once, you were my love ♥

♥ ; Friday, January 3, 2014
爱是打开心门的钥匙 ♥

'不在乎过程, 只在乎谁能走到终点'

time to start spring cleaning & clear away the unwanted ones! *happy cleaning*
i must hold on to that believe, cause i know someday it will be mine~

TGIF! :)

♥ 10:22 AM,
For once, you were my love ♥

♥ ; Thursday, January 2, 2014
爱是打开心门的钥匙 ♥

these days, just wanna blog instead of tweet. i'am so looking forward to this coming cny :) can't wait to eat my favourite prawn rolls. more to come, curry chicken, pencai, laoyusheng, jiachangcai, steamboat etc.. oh yes, some places have been playing cny songs.

i love visiting people's places. especially when your friend's parents welcome you & lots of laughter. new year period, confirm will have gambling - mahjong & blackjack. last year not playing, same goes for this year. if got invited to bainian, more than willing cause i get to eat too :)

nowadays, have been closer to my mum. i ain't a perfect daughter, but i'am trying my best to do better. treat her better & share my stuffs with her. be it work & relationship.

relationship wise, i told her, slowly. and she asks, then the xxx still got contact you? i told her no. she asked why? i replied cause give up already. 她说, 找一个对你好的. so now, never pin on any hope. if its fated, it will be. open my eyes big big. HAHAHA. don't know who will pass by, but, must treat me like a princess LOL. effort plays a part. as for work wise, i hope to achieve what i want & bring my mum overseas if i do well. starting to miss, taiwan & korea.

going to pray after work, wishing my 2014 will be awesome one! :)

♥ 5:08 PM,
For once, you were my love ♥

♥ ; Wednesday, January 1, 2014
爱是打开心门的钥匙 ♥

first chapter of the year, 365 days to pen down your life, make sure you jot down in a beautiful way. open the book & you will find many memories way back then.

hope this year will be way lot better than 2013. find myself screw up with lots of things. many thoughts, many regrets. feeling unhappy for the year of 2013. so i really wish my 2014 will be a happy one.

i will walk through it & hope there will be someone who will never give up on me & a pillar for me to fall on.

i'am so excited cause cny is here soon, many yummy food that makes me fat but is also the time to gather with your relatives :)

enjoy this season with your love ones. *smile*

♥ 12:32 PM,
For once, you were my love ♥

♥ ; Monday, December 30, 2013
爱是打开心门的钥匙 ♥

Last entry of the year 2013 before welcoming 2014 with a new chapter~

Nothing much to update but just looking forward for a better year ahead.

Hopefully what i hope for will turn out right :) do the things right, and do the things you like.

Don't ever give up on something you long for, it might not be easy to get what you want, but do your best, nothing is impossible. As long you put in your best effort, i believe you will get there one day!

I have made up my mind, and persistent this time round. No matter what people says, i will listen to my heart. I don't wanna look back with regrets.

Recently, my gf asks me a question, why you always reject all the guys who are after you? I simply said, i think they can find a better girl than me. I have my flaws, not perfect in many ways.

I would keep many things inside my heart. I miss my dad, a man who would love & dote me with all his heart if he's still around. I always envy other girls being daddy's girl. How i wish i have daddy's love too. I love big gatherings in new year & occasion. But this is life, all fated. Dad, send me a guardian angel, a soulmate to share my things with.

There's a period when i don't wanna have bf & don't intend to get married. But if there's good guy pass by, i will still consider. I don't like to rush things to make it work out. Take things at a step. You will never know what's gg to happen next. All i want is to be happy. Never think too much.

Well, end of year in the blink of an eye. I would love to go holiday soon. Korea, taiwan, japan, bangkok, hongkong (if i could go all but i doubt so). I always love to travel & shop around.

Lastly, i just wanna say merry christmas & happy new year in advance! Stay happy always! :)

♥ 11:00 PM,
For once, you were my love ♥

♥ ; Sunday, October 20, 2013
爱是打开心门的钥匙 ♥

<3 SONE; Girls' Generation~

♥ 4:40 PM,
For once, you were my love ♥

♥ ; Thursday, October 3, 2013
爱是打开心门的钥匙 ♥

birthday celebration! :)
thanks to those who made an effort for remembering my birthday!

♥ 8:46 PM,
For once, you were my love ♥

♥ ; Wednesday, September 25, 2013
爱是打开心门的钥匙 ♥

♥ 10:01 PM,
For once, you were my love ♥

♥ ; Friday, September 13, 2013
爱是打开心门的钥匙 ♥

Happy 24th Birthday E-lainey! <3

♥ 12:00 AM,
For once, you were my love ♥

♥ ; Monday, September 9, 2013
爱是打开心门的钥匙 ♥

birthday celebration in advance~ :)
i felt so thankful for everything..

at forlino! :)

out on a saturday night! :)

sunflowers are the happiest of flowers~ stay happy & keep smiling! :)

♥ 2:27 PM,
For once, you were my love ♥

♥ ; Friday, August 30, 2013
爱是打开心门的钥匙 ♥

Thanks Chanel for the advance birthday card! :) #thankyouchanel #timetogetapairofearrings

must try must try, magnum pink! :)

♥ 3:32 PM,
For once, you were my love ♥

♥ ; Saturday, August 24, 2013
爱是打开心门的钥匙 ♥

S.T.Y.L.E <3

'cause i love the feeling of sweating out.

i believe i can fly.. i believe i can touch the sky.. *oops, LAME* HAHAHA! :)

♥ 4:39 PM,
For once, you were my love ♥

♥ ; Tuesday, August 20, 2013
爱是打开心门的钥匙 ♥

what doesnt kill you makes you stronger~ :)

photos above, paris baguette cafe (love the yummy milk pudding), cake in jar (strawberry cheesecake favourite), loklok (at JB)~

omggggg, i love taking photos of yummy food! and so niceeeee~~~~~ but, on healthy diet these days, tend to eat lesser. been having fruits (eat clean) as i wanna detox plus smaller appetite now. nowadays had only one proper meal a day.

oh yes, and wanna go for slow jogging to sweat it out but it rains earlier. probably i shall go jog tmr. i love to sweat, and it tends to make me feel better but dislike having muscles.

time flies~ and coming september, its gonna be awesome! 24 days more, coming my 24th birthday! :) many pp were asking me how am i celebrating.. i have no clue at all. its just a birthday anyway, probably just dinner :) just a year older!

alright, update soon! stay tuned!

p/s: looking forward to this coming friday! i'am gg IFLY! :)

♥ 2:21 PM,
For once, you were my love ♥

♥ ; Saturday, August 10, 2013
爱是打开心门的钥匙 ♥

photo of.. days back in korea~

#daysbackinkorea #april #korea #missthosedays #holiday #annyeong #daebak #elainneeyy #fighting #instagram #insta #ig #smile #twist #photo #wannagobackagain #lovetheweather #missthefood #throwback

just a short update with a photo way back in korea! oh yesssss, this photo was taken 4 months back, but i have yet to upload. alright, i miss those days in korea, with the super cooling weather there, unlike singapore! oh my, the weather is getting worse. kill me softly even when i'am home.

as you can see, i have been updating my blog recently, but i doubt anyone is reading the post anyway. HAHAHA. just wanna blog though..

close to one month, i have been slacking my days away. i feel bored, seriously. how i wish the days can faster come, where i will be working like hell and busy like a cow. LOL!

oh well, but i have been wasting my time just like that. at the same time, giving myself a short break. its just temporary. rather than wasting my time eating & sleeping, i make use of my time swimming & doing some cleanups.

swimming is my favourite hobby now! recently, been working out. situps, leg exercise etc.. i got to maintain my figure~ and need to have balance of my intake & output. HAHAHA.

real bad, i got a greedy mouth. i love yummy food! who doesnt? but i have been controlling, have smaller portions with more meals.

oh no! my friend just asked me to have kimchi steamboat together next week. i was wondering? huh? kimchi soup base? like how?? we shall see.

before that, i need to swim more laps & do more situps! besides that, i just ate durians bought by my brother. ahhhh! how to not put on weight & how to slim down? my target to lose: 5kg! workout!

feeling so full just now because of the durians, and make me not to have dinner tonight. its so sinful! :'(

oh god, now i have to swim 20 laps next week. i did it last week, and i'am so happy! you know you know? sense of achievement. of course not continuously. not so pro. bleahs! and i prefer gg on weekdays, not so much crowd, taking my own sweet time :)

oh ya! i wanna share something. i rather envy those pretty babes with big eyes & double eyelids, flawless skin. oh my, there are so pretty! but, many pp told me its all surgery ones. when they are old, you will see.. but i doubt they will care cause what matters most is now when you are young. who will even look at you when you are old? i wish i will have flawless skin :) i think i will just stick to natural look, face the reality. LOL.

yay! girls' generation (SNSD) is coming to singapore for concert again! world tour 2013~ wanted to go but then decided not to. but my heart will be there! :) fighting unnies!<3

alright, time for bed! good nights, sweet dreams! *HUGS*

♥ 10:40 PM,
For once, you were my love ♥

♥ ;
爱是打开心门的钥匙 ♥

one people, one nation, one singapore! <3

#ootd #elainneeyy #ndp2013 #happybirthday #singapore #48th #potd #fireworks

NDP2013 is over!~ the fireworks damn niceeeee!! <3

long weekends~~ stay happy everyone! smiles~ cheers! :)

♥ 1:13 AM,
For once, you were my love ♥

♥ ; Friday, August 9, 2013
爱是打开心门的钥匙 ♥

happy 48th birthday singapore!

i'am on my way to NDP nowwwww! :)

fireworks~ looking forward! hopefully can capture that moment!

dress in a casual attire, with red checkered spaghetti and black bottom, tgt with black sunglasses & white cap! cause weather's so hottttt!

p/s: lead a simple life! :)

♥ 3:32 PM,
For once, you were my love ♥

♥ ; Monday, August 5, 2013
爱是打开心门的钥匙 ♥

ooo.. yay! national day is coming soon. i never thought i would have the chance to watch NDP live this year! after so many years.. and i was still a p5/p6 student, first visit. hmm.. maybe 12 years ago? back then, it was located at kallang stadium, but was then shifted to floating platform. i'am looking forward & i'am so gonna sing out loud! alrights, i have to start searching for red/white shirt! okay, so ex-ci-ted~ can't imagine how high would i be.. happy 48th birthday singapore! but still i hope, it would be good if i'am korean!

this is home, truly
where i know i must be
where my dreams wait for me
where that river always flows

2 years w/o bf, i foresee myself being single for a period of time. HAHAHA. many pp say, your expectation too high! but apparently it's not.. it's the feeling & effort i'am looking for. but, not many guys would attract me. even if were to, i don't take the initiative & gotta let it be. some of my friends say, i have a 'bo chup' attitude. even my brother says so -.-" really uh?

i'am not really looking for bf now, and have no one in mind, but i believe in fate, and god will send my guardian angel when the time is right. if i cant find my mr. right, then i would get a flat in the future, a place of my own, and design my home sweet home! :)

now, i would wanna focus on my career & keep myself occupied, nothing else. i have to get my mindset right this time. in my upcoming job, i wanna work hard & promise myself i will work hard for the things i want. not giving up so easily. be it for myself or for my family. i hope to bring my mum travel some day. when its more stable, then i will go for my part-time degree. it gonna be tough & tiring but slowly.. no time for any other stuffs.

one of my friend, gonna fly to taiwan tonight, so envy! well, i could have join her but decided not to as i have just visited this year.. and i wanna watch NDP live! so sweet of her to have asked me do i need anything from there.. i know her few months back & somehow find she's a nice girl. wish she will find her mr. right soon! hope she enjoy herself there & wanna plan one short trip with her in the future! bon voyage babe! :)

my brother asked if i would wanna go for skydiving & bungee jump next year.. i wanted to, but gotta see if i'am able to take leave. i would love to visit many places. loveeeee travelling so much! :)

sometimes, i envy pretty babes with big eyes, and i have thought of having eyelid surgery, and it's so common now. but.. i never have the courage to do so, even if i want to do badly. i'am afraid if its unsuccessful. but well, now i would wanna put on braces! shall see when..

upcoming birthday next month, 39 more days! :) a year older!

i wanna swim swim tmr! 10 laps!!

p/s: love is all around~

♥ 8:46 PM,
For once, you were my love ♥

♥ ; Friday, August 2, 2013
爱是打开心门的钥匙 ♥

big face! no makeup, no fake lashes. naked face.

time to lose some weight! :)

♥ 10:27 PM,
For once, you were my love ♥

♥ ; Tuesday, July 30, 2013
爱是打开心门的钥匙 ♥

on this sunday, plain jane.

finally recovered after sooooo long..

i'am not perfect, and i'am not as beautiful as other girls, but i'am just me, elainey~ :)

at the same time, would like to wish my favourite idol, 30July, Happy 34th Birthday Show! 祝你生日快乐, 小猪~罗志祥! <3 forever my idol! 永远的偶像! ^^ ‪#‎asiandancingking‬

p/s: i appreciate guys who treasure their gf when they have one & not flirting around with others. tsk!

♥ 4:02 PM,
For once, you were my love ♥

♥ ; Friday, July 26, 2013
爱是打开心门的钥匙 ♥

OMG! as much as you know me, i'am not a fan of soft toys but.. i'am so in love with this craftholic berry princess rabbit! <3 i wanna get one so i can hug it to bed :) its so CUTE la~

♥ 8:46 PM,
For once, you were my love ♥

♥ ; Tuesday, July 23, 2013
爱是打开心门的钥匙 ♥

Came across this & thought of sharing! ^^

The 20 Things You Need To Let Go To Be Happy! :)

Everyone has one common goal in life: to achieve true happiness. The biggest factor holding us back from achieving our dreams is, simply and sadly, our own selves. We put limitations on ourselves everyday, whether intentionally or unintentionally. There are so many ways we can alleviate these restraints.

Remember, life can either be something you embrace or something you hide from. Stop making things complicated and just live your life. It would be so much simpler and more enjoyable if we learned to just release certain limitations.

Let’s take a look at the things you need to let go of in order to become a happier person.

1. The Approval Of Others

Who gives a sh*t what other people think? If you are happy with the decisions you have made, then whose business is that but your own? Think of how much you could achieve if you stopped letting other people’s opinions dictate the way you live your life. Do you, and engage in whatever actions you think might better your life.

2. Anger/Resentment

Anger will eat at you from the inside. Learn how to make peace with those who have wronged you. This isn’t about letting the other person off the hook; it’s about alleviating the pain that resonates within you. Keep in mind that he who angers you, controls you.

“Life becomes easier when you learn to accept an apology you never got.”

3. Negative Body Image

There is only one person’s opinion you should be concerned with when it comes to your body and that is you. No one person determines what the “correct” body type is. If you are comfortable in your own skin, and you are healthy, then that should be the only thing that matters. Do not let others tell you that you’re not beautiful because if you believe you are, then you are.

4. Idea Of A Perfect Partner

There is no such thing as a perfect partner, so throw your checklist out the window. In life, what prevents us from moving forward is looking at the perfect image of a partner we concoct in our minds. Find the right person for you: one that you can love with all your heart, one you feel comfortable with and one that accepts you for the person you are. The sooner you realize there isn’t one perfect person out there for you, the better off you will be.

“He’s not perfect. You aren’t either, and the two of you will never be perfect. But if he can make you laugh at least once, causes you to think twice, and if he admits to being human and making mistakes, hold onto him and give him the most you can. He isn’t going to quote poetry, he’s not thinking about you every moment, but he will give you a part of him that he knows you could break. Don’t hurt him, don’t change him, and don’t expect for more than he can give. Don’t analyze. Smile when he makes you happy, yell when he makes you mad, and miss him when he’s not there. Love hard when there is love to be had. Because perfect guys don’t exist, but there’s always one guy that is perfect for you.”

 – Bob Marley

5. Perfect Life

Just like there is no perfect partner, there is also not a perfect life. Life is what you put into it, so if you are not willing to work hard and put forth effort, you will most likely end up miserable. The choices you make will directly reflect the life you lead. It is up to you to create the best possible world for yourself.

6. You’re Going To Be Rich

Too many people live their lives with the thought that they will be millionaires. While this can be a realistic goal for some, it is not something that can be achieved without hard work and dedication. Stop letting money be your sole motivator; find a career you are passionate about and immerse yourself in it completely.

7. The Idea That Good Fortune Will Arrive At Your Doorstep

You need to go out into the world and actively look for fulfillment. You cannot take a backseat in life and expect things to happen for you. Appreciate the life you live, and be grateful for what you have. Value each minute of every day. Live like there’s no tomorrow, and make the most out of any situation.

8. Excuses

Make no time for excuses. You want to work out, but you don’t have the time? Wake up early and get your gym on. Excuses are only rationalizations that make you feel better about yourself for not doing something you want/need to be doing. You desire results? Stop bitching, and start doing.

9. Thoughts Of Your Ex

This person is your ex for a reason. If you are going to think of him or her at all, try and think only about the lessons the experience taught you. Do not linger on any old feelings, as this will only prevent you from being happy with someone else in the future.

10. Stubbornness

I know it’s hard to admit, but sometimes you are just wrong. Other people have just as much capability as you do in providing the correct answer, so stop being stubborn and just embrace it. The less stubborn you act, the more open you are to learning new things. Think of all you could be exposed to if you stopped believing in opinions other than your own.

11. Procrastination

Stop thinking you will finally get to whatever task is at hand tomorrow. Live in the present, and get your sh*t done when it needs to be done. Maximize your time to the best of your ability. Complete each task you need to as soon as you can. This allows you to feel free from worry and stress by getting things out of the way as soon as possible. You also allow yourself more free time to enjoy the things you love.

12. Your Baggage

We have all been hurt one time or another by someone we loved, or we thought we loved. Carrying negative feelings into future relationships will only prove to be disastrous. No two people are the same, so it’s unfair to hold a future partner to a standard set by an ex. Try to begin each new relationship with a clean slate.

13. Negativity

What you put out into the universe will come back to you, so change the way you think, immediately. Stop thinking of life as a glass half empty, but rather, half full. You have so much to be grateful for, if only you took a moment to appreciate it. Anything is possible in the mind of a positive thinker.

14. Judgmental Thoughts

Why do people feel the need to constantly worry about what is going on in other people’s lives? If we spent as much time worrying about our own behaviors as we do worrying about those of others, our lives would be a whole lot more meaningful. You have no idea what is going on in another person’s life, so who are you to pass judgment on the way they act?

15. Jealousy

Happiness is not having what you want; it’s wanting what you have. Stop envying others and learn to appreciate what you have. Everyone’s life is unique; you have certain things to offer that others cannot. When we act in a jealous manner, all we do is bring negative feelings into our lives. There is absolutely nothing to gain from behaving this way.

16. Insecurity

Happy people tend to have extremely high levels of self-esteem. They accept who they are and work it everyday of their lives. They radiate confidence, flaunt their pride and give off positive vibes. There is no reason to be insecure in life. If there are things you are self-conscious about, go out into the world and seek to change them. Only you have the ability to create the best version of yourself.

17. Depending On Others For Happiness

At the end of the day, the only person you can count on 100 percent of the time is yourself. Do not make the unfortunate mistake many people do and put your happiness in the hands of others. A relationship is not going to fulfill the void if you can’t even make yourself happy. You need to achieve happiness on your own before you can find someone else to share it with. This creates a detrimental dependency that will prevent you from becoming self-sufficient.

18. The Past

Stop living in the past! There is virtually nothing you can gain if you wallow in mistakes you have previously made. Take past mistakes as lessons learned, and move forward. You cannot wholeheartedly move on to a better future if you are constantly looking behind you. Things happened, and that’s that. Take them with a grain of salt and move on.

19. The Need For Control

Sometimes you just need to let life happen the way it is meant to. You cannot spend your life stressing about things that are outside of your control. Try to relax, and let things play out naturally. Embrace the unknown, as this is where you will be surprised the most. Let yourself be whisked into unforeseen endeavors, and relish in the excitement they bring.

20. Expectations

Managing your expectations is the key to happiness. If you let go of expectations, you will never be disappointed. Often, we tend to believe that the way we treat others will be the way we are treated in return. Unfortunately, this does not always happen. Do not expect a certain result from any given situations. Go into an experience with an open mind. This will allow you to fully immerse yourself, without the pressure of living up to preconceived notions.

♥ 10:08 PM,
For once, you were my love ♥

♥ ; Monday, July 22, 2013
爱是打开心门的钥匙 ♥

i didnt expect things to turn out this way, but it has proven all ended. however, it doesnt affect me alot. luckily it doesnt. just somehow felt, why things ended this way & it only took less than a few months? life still goes on, isnt it? :) there's nothing impossible if you make it possible.

now been staying home and be a good girl. lazy & dont feel like gg out too much. dont even feel like talking too much nowadays. time to think & have a clear mind. i always have this issue, cant make up my mind, what i really wanna do? to get a degree or work first? but came to my mind that in singapore, its somehow important to obtain a degree. and yes, just for that cert. no matter how much experience you have, you will still need that paper.

oh well, now i'am having a break at home, been nagged by my mum obviously. LOL. i just dont like the culture & system there.

i'am still me, that cheerful girl, elaine. smile always! :)

p/s: i'am never someone else's option. nobody wants to be someone's second choice~

♥ 5:28 PM,
For once, you were my love ♥

♥ ; Saturday, July 20, 2013
爱是打开心门的钥匙 ♥

after all this while, i felt i shouldn't waste my time on anything.

time to focus on what is needed, and keep myself occupied with work. move on & be a careerwoman. when it's more stable, and get myself a degree.

looking for a better job which i like. still, probably sales job. now having a break & looking around. hopefully~

planning batam trip with my friend, a short getaway.

most importantly, be happy! :)

yay~ 55 days to my birthday! counting down. wanna get myself a small gift <3

p/s: don't go that extra mile for someone who isn't even worth the run~

♥ 12:27 PM,
For once, you were my love ♥

♥ ; Monday, June 17, 2013
爱是打开心门的钥匙 ♥

when the time is right, we will be together <3

i will go with my feelings, where my heart brings me to. hope this time round it will be right.

i will not care of what others say. i don't wanna regret.

by the way, i wanna go for a short getaway. probably phuket or krabi? never been to these two places before. just wanna sit back & relax :)

♥ 10:42 AM,
For once, you were my love ♥

♥ ; Friday, June 14, 2013
爱是打开心门的钥匙 ♥

it's all about you..

for me to know, for you to find out :)

all i want is a simple life, be happyyyyy always. lets take things at a step, let fate decides. most importantly, it's the comfortable feeling i looking for~ <3

love you for who you are? hopefully can find the special feeling. a man who is faithful, dote me, accompany me, think of me, nice to me, don't throw temper, love me more than i love him, make me happy always with a smile :)

♥ 2:53 PM,
For once, you were my love ♥

♥ The Girl

Elaine.NG エレン
13 Sept 1989
Zodiac: Virgo

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